Decoding the Myth of American Exceptionalism!
Deception is a state of “being” and an agreement to abide in that state. The deceiver cloaks his real desires while those being deceived avow loyalty to the articulated myth despite clear and abundant evidence of its falsity. Although the agreement provides temporal benefits to all parties, that too is deceptive. To their detriment, deceiver and deceived live in a state of delusion, mummified alongside their own cherished idols and selfish desires.
In a world ordained to judgment and justice, the state and agreement of the deceiver and his deceived must certainly come to ruin. The Bible warns us.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7, 8 KJV
The majority of voting Americans chose to ostensibly, “Make America Great Again.” That sentiment is a fraud of the greatest degree and a clear deception by choice. That slogan is sandwiched between myths, wrapped in an untruth, and sold as a delicacy of lies. America’s greatness, as such, was forged from genocide and chattel slavery. The greatness our present-day politicians seek, denies that reality and posits a fictional exceptionalism immune to truth.
America’s founding politicians also had visions of greatness. With their high fashion of the day – powdered wigs, breeches, wiskets, stockings, and tricorne hats they had the lowest of duties. They had to create an illusion of unfettered democracy while fettering the mass of their countrymen and women. The liars took months of wrangling to perfect their lie and with a single stroke of their magic pen people like me became three-fifths human. Their efforts would prove well worth it, the liberty for all they proclaimed, they reserved for themselves and left the dangling forbidden fruit of equality just out of reach of “We the people.”
Democracy and tyranny, unlike East and West, met and wed in American polity. What giants of hypocrisy were the white men who formulated our Constitution, and what geniuses of duplicity they were. The sleight of hand they employed to deceive millions in their generation and the generations that followed makes our modern magicians and media propagandists rank amateurs by comparison. And they did this while the whole world watched in awe and admiration.
Although, with a chastening rod in hand, God too was watching and blessing this nation despite her many sins. To this day, the American Civil War has cost more American lives than any other single conflict she has waged. It was a war fought to banish chattel slavery even though its contestants would differ on its cause. That disagreement is the root of our present moral crisis. The hard-learned lessons of political denial and obfuscation of their day have been ignored in ours; the framer’s sleight of hand has been perfected. Maybe President Lincoln was wrong. Maybe all the people can be fooled all the time, but he was not wrong about one thing – a nation’s certain punishments for its evil. He wrote.
And, insomuch as we know that by His divine law nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.
We have forgotten the gracious hand that preserved us in peace, multiplied, enriched, and strengthened us. We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, confess our national sins, and pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Abraham Lincoln wrote those words during America’s civil war. As we stand at the precipice of another civil war, God’s word speaks to us this condemnation.
For our sins are piled up before God and testify against us. Yes, we know what sinners we are. We know we have rebelled and have denied the Lord. We have turned our backs on our God. We know how unfair and oppressive we have been, carefully planning our deceitful lies. Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. Isaiah 59:12-15 NLT
President Lincoln understood that a nation’s righteousness is measured by the Word of God. I doubt if President Trump cares. A profession of love and righteousness must be demonstrated by our actions. America’s profession and her actions demonstrate such prolific hypocrisy that her sins have piled up to heaven.
Americans chose a president who has little regard for God and His righteousness. They chose a man who has notoriously abused men and women alike. They chose a man who had cheated in his personal life and committed fraud in his business affairs. In short, Americans chose a man to lead them who champions their greed, arrogance, egoism, and disregard for their fellow human beings. They chose evil over righteousness, and they chose it overwhelmingly!
Like the founding fathers, they chose fraud and deception over truth and righteousness. Finally, they chose God’s wrath over God’s mercy and to fill the measure of their founding fathers’ cup. Like Lincoln, I choose to humble myself before the offended Power, and no longer embrace America’s deceptions. In these next few years, may God choose to have mercy on us all!
God bless America, the land of the exceptionally blessed and the exceptionally deceived!
Additional Resources
For a deeper understanding of the topic I just discussed, please read Unit Four: Understanding Satan’s Deceptions and Tactics, page 307 of my book: My Story His Glory (Book 2) Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny.
Click this link to my Amazon page.
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