Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny

Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny

January 17, 202511 min read

Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny

Book Two of the My Story, His Glory series should be published in a few weeks. The book’s full title is: My Story, His Glory: Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny. The writing of Book Two has been an eye-opening process for me and I am sure that will hold true for my readers!

How did human beings really get here? Did we evolve? Were we planted on Earth by aliens? Were we created in six literal days as the Bible says? How did the world get to be the way that it is, with wars, hatred, and unfairness? How long can the world last, moving in the direction it is heading? Does God really exist, does He care, and what is His plan? Is the devil real?

If you have had those or similar questions, you must read Book Two. I do not just answer those questions with compelling historical facts, I buttress those facts with indisputable biblical prophecy. I prove that to understand world history, one must first understand Bible eschatology – the books of Daniel and Revelation. God directed His prophets to reveal the meaning behind and to answer the questions we posed earlier. God’s simple truths have intentionally been distorted and made complicated. I share a quote from the upcoming book.

We established that prophecy and history are two sides of the same coin. They cannot be separated. The historical side of this coin reveals world events as they relate to their prophetic parallel. As we prepare to spend the coin of prophecy and history, it is important that you understand several things. First, many aspects of our world, including many of the things we consider and accept as truth and facts, are not actually accurate. That holds true for Christians and non-Christians alike. God’s truth has been substituted with myths and traditions that are nothing but lies.

O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.

— Jeremiah 16:19 KJV

We all have inherited lies and vanities. Satan has woven solitary little lies into elaborate branching myths that compel then channel our individual and societal behaviors. He weaves those myths into complex collaborations of deceit. Each one is linked to the one before it stretching generations until the very memory of truth fades into obscurity. The lies cater to our egos, pride, and avarice. Like delectable delicacies they stick to our collective palates. American myths like exceptionalism, manifest destiny, and God’s grant of national favor mask our country’s founding sins, insatiable greed and desire for world dominance. Myths of racial superiority or inferiority, of wealth equating to righteousness, and God’s favor on a particular ethnic group lead us quickly on the broad way to perdition.

The Bible repeatedly warns us that in the time of the end such deceptions will not only be pervasive, but they will be lustfully embraced by those being deceived. The Bible says.

He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 NLT

So that you won’t be deceived, we expose the lie that the Antichrist is some great future evil, rather than the pernicious overseer that has manipulated the world for centuries and the clear danger that threatens each one of us presently. Satan’s delegate on Earth is working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, now! He employs a dark militia cloaked in garments of light spreading their deceptions into every corner of society. Revealed are the same blinding spirits that kept God’s chosen people from recognizing Christ at His first coming and hold sway now so near the time of His second coming.

You do not have to be deceived. You do not have to embrace the lies. You do not need to be condemned. My Story, His Glory: Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny points the way to truth and salvation. It shares valuable insights from a laymen’s experience and perspective. That perspective connects ancient prophecy to modern practices. It connects the dots of governmental, societal, and political wrongdoing to the father of lies – Satan. It bridges your life today, to each generation before you.

You will learn what our enemy has done – his means, methods, and motivations, and what he intends to do. And, with that understanding you will be empowered to choose wisely. You will learn how to escape Satan’s maze of deceit. We will unravel Satan’s first four lies that he has built his earthly empire upon.

If what I have promised in this second installment seems implausible, I encourage you to subscribe to our blog. Our blog follows the content of the book in sequential order. Rather than tease you with a preview, we have included the entire table of contents! You may find some of the chapter titles and subtitles provocative, but they are designed to provide insight into invisible lies hidden in plain sight.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Great Controversy 14

Reflection: The Beginning of Wisdom 14

The Road Ahead 15

Book 2’s Structure 19

Reflection: Meeting My Father 21

The Father Wound 22

Consider This: Satan’s Plan for Me 23

Lessons Learned 25

In Pursuit of Physical and Spiritual Healing 26

Conclusion 30

Exercise 31

Chapter 2: The Participants in the Conflict 35

Reflection: Shattered Lives Make Broken Dreams 35

The Participants 37

God—Creator 37

Satan—Destroyer 39

Humanity—Our Own Arbiters 41

Conclusion 43

Exercise 45

Chapter 3: The Defining Trait of the Combatants 46

Trait of God: “It is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive” 46

Trait of Satan: All I Ever Wanted Was an Unfair Advantage 47

Reflection: Principles or Profits 48

Paradise Lost 50

Trait of Humans—Hopelessly Devoted to You 51

Reflection: God’s Science 52

Conclusion 55

Exercise 56

Chapter 4: War in Heaven 58

Reflection: Origins of Our Trauma 68

Conclusion 71

Exercise 73

Chapter 5: The Battle on Earth 74

Covenant in Conflict 75

Lesson of Job 80

Reflection: Miracles Big and Small 82

Conclusion 83

Exercise 84

Chapter 6: God’s War Plan Model—The Sanctuary 89

God’s War Plan 92

Consider This: Psychological Operations in Warfare 94

Reflection: Our Invisible Enemy 96

A Civilian in the War Room 100

Sanctuary—Patterns Inside Allegory 102

Design of the Tabernacle 104

Sanctuary—Sacrificial Offerings 113

The Guilt Offering 115

Reflection: Atonement and the Million Man March 117

Day of Atonement 119

Conclusion 121

Exercise 122

Chapter 7: A Sanctuary Experience 124

The Scenes 124

Scene 1, Panel 1 (Brief Scene Description) 124

Scene 2, Panel 1(Brief Scene Description) 125

Scene 2, Panel 2 125

Scene 2, Panel 3 (Brief Scene Description) 126

Scene 3, Panel 1 (Brief Scene Description) 127

Scene 4, Panel 1 (Brief Scene Description) 129

Scene 5, Panel 1(Brief Scene Description) 132

Significance of the Lord’s Goat 133

The Meaning of the Scapegoat 135

Satan the Accuser 137

Consider This: Connected to Heaven 140

Conclusion 141

Exercise 142

Chapter 8: The Prophecy of Daniel 147

The Book of Daniel 148

Nebuchadnezzar’s Man of Metals 149

Prophetic Time (2,300-Year Prophecy) 152

The Beasts of Daniel 154

Devour Much Flesh, or Consume the People They Rule—They Use Death as an Ever-Present Threat 157

Have Dominion or Control over Their People 157

Are Dreadful, Terrible, and Break into Pieces 157

Boast of Great Things 158

The Horns of Daniel 7 158

A Time and Times and the Dividing of Time 160

Reflection: Not The Wizard of Oz 162

Conclusion 164

Exercise 166

Chapter 9: First Period of 490 Years 167

Biblical Perspective of the First Period 168

Consider This: Prophecy and History, Two Sides of a Coin 172

Human-Historical Perspective 173

Doctrinal Tares 174

Torah and Talmud: More than Semantics 177

Exercise 179

Chapter 10: Second Period of 504 Years 181

Biblical Perspective 181

Human-Historical Perspective 181

The Gospel to the World 182

Abomination of Desolation 184

A New Phase of the Controversy 187

Consider This: Long March to Victory 188

Satan’s War Against the Bible 189

Sowing Doctrinal Tares 190

Gnosticism 190

Gnostic Gospels 192

Apostolic Succession 193

Papal Infallibility 194

Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand Up? 196

Constantine and the Great Apostatizing 198

7th Day Sabbath 203

Conclusion 205

Exercise 205

Chapter 11: Third Period of 1,260 Years 206

Biblical Perspective 206

Human-Historical Perspective 206

Coronation of the Antichrist 207

Consider This: Divine Historiography 210

The Persecution 214

The Popes 215

The Crusades 217

Reflection: Secret Orders 220

The World Belongs to Secret Societies (Orders) 223

Knights Templar—The First Secret Society 224

The Spanish Inquisition: Murder in the Great Style 227

Trade in Enslaved Africans 231

The First Race Man, Gomes Eanes de Zurara 233

Reflection: Beastly Nature of American Racism 236

America’s Real Founding Document, The Doctrine of Discovery 240

The Protest of Reformers 243

The Counter-Reformation and the Society of Jesus 245

The Pope’s Militia and Counter-Reformation 248

The Jesuit Oath 250

The Renaissance and Enlightenment 259

The Great Awakening 261

Freemasons and Presidents 263

The Order of the Illuminati 267

The Houses of Israel and Rothschild: An Unholy Alliance 268

Consider This: Ordo ab Chao—Order from Chaos 270

Reflection: Symbols Designed to Deceive 274

Completion of the 1,260-Year Prophecy 276

The Sea Beast Received a Deadly Wound! 279

Exercise 280

Chapter 12: Fourth Period of 46 Years 281

Biblical Perspective 281

Human-Historical Perspective 281

The Day the Stars Fell 283

Agitators for Righteousness 285

The Great Disappointment! 287

Lost Truth Rediscovered 289

The Most Holy Place 292

The Investigative Judgment 293

A Whole New World 298

America Speaks Like a Dragon and Exercises Its Power! 299

Has Two Horns 301

Comes Up out of the Earth 303

Historical Conclusion 304

Exercise 304

Chapter 13: The Time of the End 306

Biblical Perspective 306

Deception: A State of Believing a Lie 306

Human-Historical Perspective 307

Exercise 309

Chapter 14: The Diagram of Deception 313

Reflection: Mom’s Story 315

Nature, Nurture, and Epigenetics—Sin, Transgression, and Iniquity 317

Evolution: A Lie by Another Name 318

Sin, Trauma, Addiction, Death 321

Exercise 324

Chapter 15: The First Lie: “God Is Not Just” 326

Reflection: The Deadliest Wave 327

Conclusion 331

Exercise 331

Chapter 16: The Second Lie: “God’s Law Is Not Necessary” 332

Exercise 336

Chapter 17: The Third Lie: “You Will Not Surely Die” 338

Consider This: Spiritualism, a Lie to Die For! 346

Reflection: On Being out of Body and in Deception 349

Conclusion 351

Exercise 351

Chapter 18: The Fourth Lie: “You Shall Be as Gods” 353

Exercise 355

Chapter 19: Synthesis of Lies 356

Zeitgeist of Deception 358

Consider This: Evolution, You Made Yourself! 359

The Blood Oath 360

Charles Darwin, a Captain of Deceit 362

Evolution and the Sistine Chapel 364

The Choice of Life or Death 366

Exercise 367

Chapter 20: The Psychobiology of Deception 368

Deception in a Box! 378

Reflection: Racism In, Racism Out 383

The Gospel According to Star Trek 386

Mission 387

Bible 387

Star Trek 387

Bible 388

Star Trek 389

Bible 391

Star Trek 391

The Reward of the Faithful 394

Bible 395

Star Trek 395

Exercise 399

Chapter 21: Spiritual Warfare our Invisible Enemy 403

Spiritual Warfare in the Age of Deception 406

The Helmet of Salvation 407

Reflection: The Thomas Crown Affair 409

Reflection: Rites of Passage 415

Slippin’ into Darkness 418

Exercise 421

Chapter 22: A New Perspective on an Old Conflict 422

Exercise 426

Read Daniel 2 – 9 and Revelation 12 – 14. Are the symbols spoken about in them more

understandable in the light our our discussion? 426

Lessons Learned 426

Chapter 23: Afterword 433

The sweeping scope of My Story, His Glory: Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny is demanded by the darkness and deception of the age, but most importantly because Christ’s return is “Even at the doors.” I invite you to join me as we Journey to Truth. God Bless you.

Additional Resources

For a deeper understanding of the topic I just discussed, please read Unit Four: Understanding Satan’s Deceptions and Tactics, page 307 of my book: My Story His Glory (Book 2) Decoding Daniel, Revelation, and America’s Destiny.

Click this link to my Amazon page.

Interviews and Discussions:

To have the author participate in small group discussions, interviews and speaking engagements, please email us at: [email protected]

Nathaniel Arnold is a successful businessman with thirty-five years of real estate experience. He also has written two novels and two books on real estate investing. His first novel, The Genocide Files, was considered for a movie. He is a devoted husband with two grown daughters and an active elder in his church.

Nathaniel X. Arnold

Nathaniel Arnold is a successful businessman with thirty-five years of real estate experience. He also has written two novels and two books on real estate investing. His first novel, The Genocide Files, was considered for a movie. He is a devoted husband with two grown daughters and an active elder in his church.

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